Dear Dr. Sex,
My boyfriend and I have been “fighting” for a while now. Every time we have sex, he complains about the smell of my vagina. He doesn’t do it in a bad way. He tries to make it sound like it’s nothing but he still consistently makes comments about it. It’s been bothering me for a while now. I know vaginas aren’t supposed to smell like rainbows and sunshine but what can I do if I have a smelly vagina?
Dear LadyV,
You are correct. Vaginas are not supposed to smell like rainbows and sunshine ‘cause they are vaginas. It’s natural for vaginas to have a distinct smell. In fact, every female has a natural vaginal odor that changes throughout her menstrual cycle.
Your vagina is self-cleaning. It naturally cleanses itself in its own way. Even if you leave it on its own, it can naturally maintain a healthy pH and keep bad bacteria away. However, even when you’re taking good care of your vagina and ensuring that it’s clean, you may still encounter scents that are unfamiliar to you. But as what I’ve said, that’s normal. Unusual vaginal odors really happen and that’s part of your natural cycle. A strong and persistent odor, however, is not normal. If you notice that your vagina is smelling like nothing you’ve ever smelled before, there may be a potential problem.
But first we must ask, what’s a “normal” vaginal scent? A healthy vagina will give off a “musky” or “fleshy” odor. Sometimes, it can be slightly “metallic” for a few days but that’s okay because you may be on or nearing your period. Even intercourse can change the smell of your vagina temporarily.
But if you notice a stark difference in your odor and you’re experiencing things like: itching, irritation, and unusual discharge, you should go to a doctor for a more detailed thing of what you should do.
Then again, if you’re not experiencing those symptoms and you’re just genuinely concerned about why your vagina is smelly and what you can do about it. Look at your personal hygiene. Sometimes, poor hygiene or tight clothes or fabric can cause sweat and bacteria to get trapped in your feminine areas. These can cause an unpleasant odor. I’m not saying you should start using feminine washes that promise to make your vagina smell like “jasmine and lavender”. Aside from the fact that that’s impossible, sometimes, they can even be harmful. They can irritate and remove the fluids that naturally clean your vagina. Soap and water are enough to clean your vaginal area. Just don’t forget to rinse it well and pat it dry before you put your undies on. If you’re unconvinced, you can read 9 Ways You Can Do To Make A Smelly Vagina Smell Good for more details.
Then again if you’re sure that your vagina is clean all the time. Then maybe your vagina smell is normal and your boyfriend is just a dick.
Dr. Sex